Combined Population Health and Service Capacity Model#


This notebook contains the code to develop and test the MGSR.

Further details on the development of the population health model can be found here, and the service capacity model can be found here.

#turn warnings off to keep notebook tidy
import warnings

Import libraries#

import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle as pkl

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedKFold
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score as r2

import seaborn as sns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')

Import data#

dta = pd.read_csv('',
dta.columns = ['_'.join([c.split('/')[0],c.split('/')[-1]])
               if '/' in c else c for c in dta.columns]
ccg month 111_111_offered 111_111_answered amb_sys_made amb_sys_answered gp_appt_available ae_attendances_attendances population People Places Lives year %>65 %<15 N>65 N<15
0 00Q Jan 406.655830 308.945095 310.561801 234.716187 4568.019766 1179.855246 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.46402 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415
1 00Q Feb 349.933603 256.872981 261.756435 205.298797 3910.918344 1075.452189 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.46402 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415
2 00Q Mar 413.247659 300.690725 303.676215 234.716187 4051.778545 1210.874032 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.46402 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415
3 00Q Apr 349.608595 278.140171 264.973181 203.677924 3974.433001 1186.166427 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.46402 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415
4 00Q May 361.100544 284.419492 294.361403 227.926437 4232.385761 1299.297713 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.46402 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415
(1618, 17)

Function to group data#

def group_data(data, features):

    features = ['population', '%>65',
                'People', 'Places',

    #ensure no identical points in train and test

    grouped = pd.DataFrame()
    for pop, group in data.groupby('population'):

        #if len(group.lives.unique())>1:

            #print('multiple CCG with same population')

        ccg_year = pd.Series(dtype='float64')

        for f in features:

            ccg_year[f] = group[f].unique()[0]

        = group.ae_attendances_attendances.mean()

        grouped = grouped.append(ccg_year, ignore_index=True)
    return grouped

Fit Predict Population Health model#

model = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=7, n_estimators=4, 

pophealth_features = ['population', '%>65',
                    'People', 'Places', 'Lives']

grouped = group_data(dta, pophealth_features)

y = grouped['ae_attendances_attendances']

X = grouped[pophealth_features]

cv = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=5, n_repeats=1, random_state=1)
results = pd.DataFrame()

scores_train, scores_test, feat = [],[],[]
for train_index, test_index in cv.split(X, y):
   [train_index], y.iloc[train_index])
    test = X.iloc[test_index].copy()
    test['ae_predicted'] = model.predict(X.iloc[test_index])
    results = results.append(test, ignore_index=True)
population %>65 People Places Lives ae_predicted
0 14.9084 14.565614 96.000000 99.500 94.600000 955.021953
1 20.5985 19.984465 95.500000 102.300 100.300000 803.955255
2 20.9547 18.555742 101.100000 101.600 101.300000 464.338579
3 21.6203 14.128851 96.600000 96.800 94.600000 397.401519
4 26.1061 15.082682 88.600000 94.800 91.900000 684.372748
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
140 137.0653 16.343962 93.680000 98.580 91.620000 570.391006
141 150.2535 13.238627 104.566667 100.850 104.100000 382.996087
142 151.1457 12.145566 101.740000 96.820 97.540000 411.516817
143 181.1249 11.599620 100.916667 97.550 99.133333 411.516817
144 186.1075 19.590720 101.100000 97.825 102.406250 385.143687

145 rows × 6 columns

Merge with data set#

dta = dta.merge(results[['population','ae_predicted']],\
                left_on='population', right_on='population')
ccg month 111_111_offered 111_111_answered amb_sys_made amb_sys_answered gp_appt_available ae_attendances_attendances population People Places Lives year %>65 %<15 N>65 N<15 ae_predicted
0 00Q Jan 406.655830 308.945095 310.561801 234.716187 4568.019766 1179.855246 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.464020 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415 1062.812464
1 00Q Feb 349.933603 256.872981 261.756435 205.298797 3910.918344 1075.452189 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.464020 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415 1062.812464
2 00Q Mar 413.247659 300.690725 303.676215 234.716187 4051.778545 1210.874032 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.464020 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415 1062.812464
3 00Q Apr 349.608595 278.140171 264.973181 203.677924 3974.433001 1186.166427 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.464020 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415 1062.812464
4 00Q May 361.100544 284.419492 294.361403 227.926437 4232.385761 1299.297713 14.8942 97.2 99.7 94.4 2018 14.464020 21.763505 2.1543 3.2415 1062.812464
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1613 X2C4Y Aug 281.008273 253.093792 459.652700 306.843650 3982.517935 390.405530 44.0337 93.3 98.3 97.6 2019 17.721427 19.239128 7.8034 8.4717 457.428335
1614 X2C4Y Sep 263.936917 240.868701 453.078703 305.262399 4598.750502 388.679580 44.0337 93.3 98.3 97.6 2019 17.721427 19.239128 7.8034 8.4717 457.428335
1615 X2C4Y Oct 286.454848 254.680032 488.348051 327.202669 5225.611293 391.268506 44.0337 93.3 98.3 97.6 2019 17.721427 19.239128 7.8034 8.4717 457.428335
1616 X2C4Y Nov 326.984206 276.374619 499.497654 306.953594 4606.948769 389.542555 44.0337 93.3 98.3 97.6 2019 17.721427 19.239128 7.8034 8.4717 457.428335
1617 X2C4Y Dec 365.414559 334.346359 532.917357 311.645611 4160.472547 404.531075 44.0337 93.3 98.3 97.6 2019 17.721427 19.239128 7.8034 8.4717 457.428335

1618 rows × 18 columns

Combined model#

#capacity utility model
rf1 = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=5, n_estimators=6, 

final = LinearRegression()

train, test = train_test_split(dta,random_state=29)

#split training data into two sets
train_0, train_1 = train_test_split(train, train_size=0.75, 

#capacity utility
capacity_features = ['gp_appt_available',
            '111_111_offered', 'amb_sys_answered']
#            '111_111_answered', 'amb_sys_made']

pophealth_features = ['population','%>65',
                    'People', 'Places', 'Lives']

#train capacity modeel

y_0 = train_0['ae_attendances_attendances']
X_0 = train_0[capacity_features],y_0)


y_pred_cu = rf1.predict(train_1[capacity_features])


y_pred_ph = train_1['ae_predicted']
X_f = np.vstack([y_pred_cu, y_pred_ph]).T
y_f = train_1['ae_attendances_attendances'],y_f)


Check performance on held out data#

y_pred_cu = rf1.predict(test[capacity_features])


#y_pred_ph = rf2.predict(test[pophealth_features])

y_pred_ph = test['ae_predicted']

print(r2(test['ae_attendances_attendances'], test['ae_predicted']))

y_pred_final = final.predict(np.vstack([y_pred_cu, y_pred_ph]).T)

#print(r2_score(test['ae_attendances_attendances'], y_pred_final))

print(final.score(np.vstack([y_pred_cu, y_pred_ph]).T,


array([0.33472245, 0.84220157])

Combined model with optimised parameters#

def fit_ph(dta, features, model):
    if 'ae_predicted' in dta.columns:
        dta = dta.drop(['ae_predicted'], axis=1)
    grouped = group_data(dta, features)
    y = grouped['ae_attendances_attendances']

    X = grouped[features]

    # dont set random state so that function can be used in overall cv
    cv = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=5, n_repeats=1, random_state=1)
    results = pd.DataFrame()
    for train_index, test_index in cv.split(X, y):
       [train_index], y.iloc[train_index])
        test = X.iloc[test_index].copy()
        test['ae_predicted'] = model.predict(X.iloc[test_index])
        results = results.append(test, ignore_index=True)
    dta = dta.merge(results[['population','ae_predicted']],
                    left_on='population', right_on='population')
    return dta
def fit_capacity(dta, features, model):
    y = dta['ae_attendances_attendances']
    X = dta[features],y)
    return model
def fit_combined(train, rf1, m1_features, train_size=7/8):
    final = LinearRegression()

    #split training data into two sets
    train_0, train_1 = train_test_split(train, 

    #train capactiy model
    rf1 = fit_capacity(train_0, m1_features, rf1)

    #predict monthly attendances

    y_pred_1 = rf1.predict(train_1[m1_features])

    #use pre-predicted average attendances
    y_pred_2 = train_1['ae_predicted']
    X_f = np.vstack([y_pred_1, y_pred_2]).T
    y_f = train_1['ae_attendances_attendances'],y_f)
    return rf1,final        
def cv_combined(dta, rf1, rf2):
    # splitter for cross validation 
    cv = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=5, n_repeats=5, random_state=1)
    scores_final, scores_rf1, scores_rf2, coefs = [],[],[],[]
    capacity_features = ['gp_appt_available',
            '111_111_offered', 'amb_sys_answered']

    pophealth_features = ['population', '%>65',
                            'People', 'Places', 'Lives']
    dta_pred = pd.DataFrame()
    #fit population health independently to avoid data leakage
    dta = fit_ph(dta, pophealth_features, rf2)
    for train_index, test_index in cv.split(dta):
        #print(f'\n Split {k} \n')
        train = dta.iloc[train_index]
        test = dta.iloc[test_index]

        #final models
        rf1, final = fit_combined(train, rf1, capacity_features)
        #predict on test data
        y_pred_cu = rf1.predict(test[capacity_features])


        y_pred_ph = test['ae_predicted']

        preds = final.predict(np.vstack([y_pred_cu, y_pred_ph]).T)

        scores_final.append(final.score(np.vstack([y_pred_cu, y_pred_ph]).T,
        test_pred = test.copy()
        test_pred['predicted'] = preds
        test_pred['true'] = test['ae_attendances_attendances'].values
        test_pred['iter'] = [k for i in test_pred.index]
        dta_pred = dta_pred.append(test_pred, ignore_index=False)
    return scores_final, scores_rf1, scores_rf2, dta_pred, coefs
#capacity model
rf1 = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=5, n_estimators=6, random_state=0)

#population health model
rf2 = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=7, n_estimators=4, random_state=0)

scores_final, scores_rf1, scores_rf2, \
dta_pred, coefs = cv_combined(dta, rf1, rf2)
(1618, 18)

Results for paper#


results['final'] = scores_final
count 25.000000
mean 0.793439
std 0.024965
min 0.747330
25% 0.773945
50% 0.792260
75% 0.813894
max 0.837230

Coefficient importances#


np.mean(coefs, axis=0)
array([0.22809236, 0.85217576])


np.std(coefs, axis=0)
array([0.06542627, 0.06053951])


fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

mean_pred, true = [],[]

for i in dta_pred.index.unique():

plt.plot(true, mean_pred, 'o', alpha=0.5)

xx = np.arange(min(dta_pred['true']),max(dta_pred['true']))

plt.xlabel('True monthly ED attendances per 10,000 people')
plt.ylabel('Predicted monthly ED attendances per 10,000 people')
plt.savefig('true_predicted_combined.png', dpi=300)

Permutation Feature Importance#

def fit_ph_shuffle(dta, features,f, model):
    if 'ae_predicted' in dta.columns:
        dta = dta.drop(['ae_predicted'], axis=1)
    grouped = group_data(dta, features)
    y = grouped['ae_attendances_attendances']

    X = grouped[features]
    X_shuffled = X.copy()
    X_shuffled[f] = np.random.permutation(X[f].values)
    # dont set random state so that function can be used in overall cv
    cv = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=5, n_repeats=1, random_state=1)
    results = pd.DataFrame()
    for train_index, test_index in cv.split(X, y):
       [train_index], y.iloc[train_index])
        test = X.iloc[test_index].copy()
        test['ae_predicted'] = model.predict(X_shuffled.iloc[test_index])
        results = results.append(test, ignore_index=True)
    dta = dta.merge(results[['population','ae_predicted']],
                    left_on='population', right_on='population')
    return dta
def permeate_feature(dta, f,rf1, rf2):
    shuffled = dta.copy()

    capacity_features = ['gp_appt_available',
            '111_111_offered', 'amb_sys_answered']
#            '111_111_answered', 'amb_sys_made']

    pophealth_features = ['population', '%>65',
                            'People', 'Places', 'Lives']
    if f in capacity_features:
        shuffled[f] = np.random.permutation(dta[f].values)
        shuffled = fit_ph_shuffle(shuffled, pophealth_features,f, rf2)
    dta = fit_ph(dta, pophealth_features, rf2)
    # splitter for cross validation
    cv = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=5, n_repeats=5, random_state=1)
    #importances = pd.DataFrame()
    shuffled_score, true_score  = [],[]
    #print(f'running for {f} \n')
    for train_index, test_index in cv.split(dta):
        test_shuffled = shuffled.iloc[test_index]
        train = dta.iloc[train_index]
        test = dta.iloc[test_index]
        #final models
        rf1, final = fit_combined(train, rf1, capacity_features)

        #predict on test data
        y_pred_cu = rf1.predict(test[capacity_features])

        y_pred_ph = test['ae_predicted']
        y_pred_cus = rf1.predict(test_shuffled[capacity_features])
        if f in capacity_features:

            y_pred_phs = test['ae_predicted']
            y_pred_phs = test_shuffled['ae_predicted']
            final.score(np.vstack([y_pred_cu, y_pred_ph]).T,\
            true_score[-1] - final.score(np.vstack([y_pred_cus, y_pred_phs]).T,\
    #print(f'{f} complete\n')
    return true_score, shuffled_score       
def feature_importance_combined(dta, rf1, rf2):
    importances = pd.DataFrame()
    capacity_features = ['gp_appt_available',
            '111_111_offered', 'amb_sys_answered']
    #            '111_111_answered', 'amb_sys_made']

    pophealth_features = ['population', '%>65',
                            'People', 'Places', 'Lives']
    for f in capacity_features + pophealth_features:
        true_score, shuffled_score = permeate_feature(dta, f,rf1, rf2)
        if 'score' in importances.columns:
            importances['score'] = np.mean([importances['score'].values, true_score],axis=0)
            importances['score'] = true_score
        importances[f] = shuffled_score

    return importances
#set random seed to make results reproducible

importances = feature_importance_combined(dta, rf1, rf2)
score gp_appt_available 111_111_offered amb_sys_answered population %>65 People Places Lives
count 25.000000 25.000000 25.000000 25.000000 25.000000 25.000000 25.000000 25.000000 25.000000
mean 0.793439 0.009821 0.020091 0.048201 0.393994 0.109398 0.070902 0.040108 0.218843
std 0.024965 0.005905 0.009634 0.022151 0.067007 0.018103 0.025604 0.012660 0.036510
min 0.747330 -0.000153 0.007046 0.002438 0.311784 0.074345 0.014080 0.015471 0.158269
25% 0.773945 0.004393 0.012207 0.033947 0.333901 0.094481 0.052257 0.033059 0.190781
50% 0.792260 0.011244 0.017722 0.048973 0.381220 0.106952 0.076336 0.041156 0.218894
75% 0.813894 0.014314 0.026769 0.057536 0.445263 0.123259 0.089431 0.045325 0.235801
max 0.837230 0.018327 0.042118 0.096985 0.578256 0.136224 0.111001 0.062045 0.286407
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

importances[importances.columns[1:]].describe().loc['mean'].plot(kind='bar', \
            yerr = importances[importances.columns[1:]].describe().loc['std'],\
                            alpha=0.6, color='g',ax=ax)

plt.ylabel('Permutation Importance', fontsize=12)

tick_labels = ['GP capacity','111 capacity', 'Ambulance capacity',\
               'Population', '%>65','People', 'Places', 'Lives']

ax.set_xticklabels(tick_labels, rotation=45)

plt.savefig('importance.png', dpi=300)

Train final model on all data and save for forecasting#

def fit_final(dta, rf1, rf2, m1_features, m2_features):
    final = LinearRegression()

    #train capactiy model
    rf1 = fit_capacity(dta, m1_features, rf1)

    #predict monthly attendances

    y_pred_1 = rf1.predict(dta[m1_features])

    grouped = group_data(dta, m2_features)
    y = grouped['ae_attendances_attendances']

    X = grouped[m2_features], y)
    y_pred_2 = rf2.predict(dta[m2_features])
    X_f = np.vstack([y_pred_1, y_pred_2]).T
    y_f = dta['ae_attendances_attendances'],y_f)

    print('Combined training score:',final.score(X_f,y_f))
    return rf1,rf2, final        
m1_features = capacity_features
m2_features = pophealth_features

rf1,rf2,final = fit_final(dta, rf1, rf2, m1_features, m2_features)
Combined training score: 0.9181958242731308
with open('stacked_model_scaled.pkl','wb') as f:
    pkl.dump([[rf1,rf2,final], m1_features, m2_features], f)